Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Mediolateral View:

Lay patient in lateral recumbency with affected limb down. Measure at carpal joint, center beam at middle row of carpal bones. Borders should include distal third of the radius and ulna to proximal third of the metacarpus. For positioning, extend the contralateral limb caudally and extend the affected limb cranially. Tie the distal metacarpus to the table.

Mediolateral Hyperextended View:

Position carpus in a lateral position. Measurements, beam placement, and borders are the same as mediolateral view. Hyperextend the carpus by bending the toes upward, this can be done as follows: Apply tape at the radius and ulna, secure to the table laterally. Apply tape at the distal metacarpus/digits; extend the limb and secure the tape in the opposite direction as tape on upper arm.

Dorsopalmar View:

Place in sternal recumbency. Measure at the carpal joint (in a flexed position) and center beam on the middle row of carpal bones. Borders should include distal third of the radius/ulna to proximal third of the metacarpus. Position by extending both limbs forward but keeping the unaffected limb extended. Tie the metacarpus at the distal portion securing to the table. Abduct the affected elbow slightly to straighten the carpus.

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