Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Lateral View:

Place patient in lateral recumbency with affected leg right side down. Measure at the thickest part of the elbow and center beam at distal elbow. Borders should include distal 1/3 of humerus and proximal third of radius/ulna. For positioning, place the affected limb cranially and ventrally so that the limb is flexed between 45 and 90 degrees. Unaffected limb should be pulled back caudally.

Craniocaudal View:

Lay patient in sternal recumbency. Measurements, beam placement and borders are the same as lateral view. For positioning - extend both forearms forward, placing the unaffected leg out of field of view. Palpate patient’s elbow until olecranon of the ulna seems be in the center of the joint midway between the lateral and medial humeral epicondyles. Keep the affected leg as straight as possible, humerus should be parallel to the table and if positioned correctly, paw will not be flat on the table.

Oblique View:

Place patient in sternal recumbency. Measurements, beam placement and borders are the same as lateral and craniocaudal view. Pull affected leg as cranially as possible and rotate the elbow joint as follows: for a medial oblique view, rotate elbow 30 degrees laterally and medially rotate about 30 degrees for the lateral oblique view.

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