Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Lateral View:

Lay patient in lateral recumbency with affected leg down. Measure at the greater trochanter of the femur or the thickest part, center beam here as well. Borders should include wing of the ilium and at least one vertebra to caudal ischium and ventrally one third of the femur. Position legs in a slight scissor position, placing lower limb in a neutral position but pulled slightly cranially. Pull the upper limb caudally just enough to be able to differentiate between the femurs.


Lay patient in dorsal recumbency, a v-tray can be used. Ideally, patient should be sedated for this view. Measure at the thickest part of the pelvis and center beam on the pubis. Borders should include from the tip of iliac wing or last two vertebrae to the distal patella. If the patient is large, then it is better to cut off part of the patella then the ilium of the pelvis. For positioning, stand behind patient and grab each hindleg rotating the femurs inward so that the patellae are centered over the trochanter groove of the stifle. The femurs should be parallel to each other, pelvis should be straight and keep the tail aligned with the spine.

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