Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Lay patient in lateral recumbency for all spinal regions, keeping head and body in a true lateral position as this will help to keep the spine straight as possible. Sedation is highly recommended for all spinal views. Collimate tightly.

Cervical Spine:

Measure at the shoulder at C6 (for smaller dogs/cats measure at C3-C4). Center beam at C3-C4. Borders should include the base of the skull to just past the shoulder joint. For positioning, pull the front legs caudally to prevent superimposition of the shoulders. A foam block can be used if needed under the chest/spine to keep the spine lateral and not obliqued.

Thoracic Spine:

Measure at the highest point of sternum and place beam at the caudal border of scapula. Borders include shoulder joint and past last rib. For positioning, superimpose and pull front legs slightly cranially and back legs slightly caudally.

Lumbar Spine:

Measure at L1 and center beam at L3 to L4. Borders should include last rib to greater trochanter. For positioning, superimpose front legs slightly cranially and back legs caudally. A foam block can be used under the sternum to keep the spine properly aligned.


Lay patient in dorsal recumbency in V-tray for all spinal regions. Measurements, beam placement and borders are the same as lateral for cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, respectively. For positioning, patient should be as straight and symmetrical as possible. Minimize rotation by keeping the sternum and vertebrae superimposed. Use padding under the neck to keep the vertebrae parallel to the table. Collimate tightly.

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