Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Lateral View (Mediolateral):

Lay patient in lateral recumbency with affected leg down. Measure at the distal end of the femur. Center beam on indentation of the stifle joint. Borders should include proximal third of the tibia and distal third of the femur. For positioning, extend the affected leg so that the patella is in a natural position, keeping the patella flat on the table while flexing the stifle at 90 degrees. Superimposition of the femoral condyle is ideal. Abduct the unaffected leg laterally so it is not in view. 

Craniocaudal View:

Lay patient on in dorsal recumbency, using a v-tray if needed. Measure at the distal end of the femur and center beam on the stifle joint. Borders should include distal third of the femur and proximal third of the tibia/fibula. For positioning, extend the affected leg, keeping it straight while rotating the femurs inward. 

Caudocranial View:  

Lay patient in sternal recumbency, using a v-tray if needed. Measure at the distal end of the femur and center beam on the stifle joint, angle the beam 5-10 degrees cranially. Borders should include distal third of femur to proximal third of the tibia/fibula. For positioning, extend the affected leg straight on the table while rotating the pelvis just slightly toward the affected leg. Affected leg should be resting on the patella. Pull unaffected leg out of view. 

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