Location 1

(954) 328-3449

Taylor Veterinary Imaging

(405) 665-8820


Lateral View:

Two views, right and left side down. Measure caudal border of the scapula over the thickest part of the thorax. Center beam at the caudal border of the scapula, between the fifth and sixth ribs (where you feel the strongest heartbeat) about midway between the spine and sternum. Borders should include - cranial point of the shoulders to a few cm caudal to the last rib. Include the full ribcage. Patient should be as straight and symmetrical as possible and be sure to capture image on full inspiration.

Ventrodorsal View:

Lie patient in dorsal recumbency. Measure over the caudal border of the scapula at the highest point of the sternum. Center beam between the fifth and sixth ribs. Borders should include - cranial point of the shoulders to a few cm caudal to the last ribs. Include the full rib cage. Patient should be as straight and symmetrical as possible and be sure to capture image on full inspiration.

Note: Separating cranial and caudal images may be necessary in large breed dogs. Be sure to include the full cardiac silhouette in at least one image.

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